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Yoga classes, yoga courses

Beginners / Back to Basics
6 Week Yoga Course
Wed Sept 11th - Oct 23rd  
18.55pm - 20.10pm
£68 in person 

"Terrific course; well paced, calming, enlightening and really good grounding in the basics for future progress" Phil M


An ideal way to begin your practise or as a reminder of the key poses and alignment principles in a safe and friendly environment.

The Beginners' Yoga course includes an introduction to yoga postures, sequencing, breathing techniques, meditation and philosophy. Each week we will explore a different focus and classes will include standing / seated / lying down postures, forward bends, back bends, twists, hip openers, as well as an introduction to meditation.

At the end of the 6 week course you should feel confident enough to attend regular classes, come on yoga retreats and create a home practise. There will also be an online resource to support you after each class to support your practise at home in between as well as to help you catch up if you missed a class. Changing facilities available in this lovely venue. Mats are provided. In person and/or online.

Please note there is no class on Sept 18th.

In person - Venue : West Hampstead Community Centre price £68


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"The heart of meditation"
7 week iRest yoga nidra / guided meditation course

Thurs 9th Jan - 20th Feb
7.15pm - 8.30pm
In person & online 

Thank you I have been given tools to deal with life in a better way" Margaret A


iRest yoga nidra and is an evidence based mind-body transformative practise. It teaches tools that can be used to skilfully deal with challenging situations throughout daily life, to deeply calm the nervous system as well as to develop a strong sense of well being.

This meditative practise shows that finding inner peace is not some closed secret but open to everyone who is interested in finding it.
This integrative practice also heals the various unresolved issues, traumas, and wounds that are present in the body and mind, not by asking the meditator to change themselves but by welcoming themselves exactly as they are. When true welcoming happens, then the profound transformation takes place. 

At the beginning of this practise, you are actively encouraged to lie down, (but you can sit if you wish to) and get as comfortable as you can. What follows is then a guided process of relaxation and self inquiry where you become increasingly aware of your physical body including your breath and inner world. You will likely experience yourself in a level of consciousness somewhere between being fully awake and sleeping and it is possible to lose the sense that one is separate from others and to tap into an unshakable sense of interconnectedness to all of life.
There are 10 steps to this meditation practise and each week we focus on key elements building up to a full practise in the 6th week.


People who practise iRest yoga nidra report:

*reduced depression, fear and anxiety

*greater ability to relax and enjoy life

*reduced insomnia and levels of stress

*improved interpersonal relations

*reduced chronic and acute pain

*increased inner peace and well being


Suitable for? 
Everyone is welcome. This is not a physical yoga class. All participants either lie on the ground, on a mat and blanket ( with optional bolster cushions /support under your knees and / or a blanket under your head) or you can sit in a chair or on the sofa.

Suitable for all levels including beginners and those more experienced in meditation.

Teacher : Simon Hoten
Cost = £84 In person / £68 Online 
*Includes the 7 week course
*iRest Manual 
*Six mp3 meditations recorded in class for use at home or on the move


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Online yoga, restorative yoga

Online Restorative Yoga Deep Relaxation course
Anytime, Anywhere
Lifetime access
Online course 

In this Restorative online course, i teach and guide you through eight key restorative yoga poses. You can then practise the poses individually, create your own sequence or follow one of the three sequences that i have created for you - 15 minutes, 40 minutes and 75 minutes, depending on how much time you have.


During a Restorative session, you are invited to slow down, focus on your breath and practise stillness or gentle movements. Yoga postures are practised usually supine or seated, supported by props, and held for longer periods than a usual yoga pose in a general class. This encourages the body to let go, releasing muscular tension, as the props are supporting your body rather than the muscles.


If you don't have the props then I also give you alternatives that you can easily find around your home! 

This is the first of a number of our online courses & workshops. 


"Thank you for a wonderful Restorative Yoga practise. I found a moment of peace & calm in an otherwise hectic urban existence" Teresa H

"A wonderful, luxurious practise of relaxing! I highly recommend this practise to anyone who wants to slow down and find inner peace and quiet" B.F

West Hampstead yoga

 Yoga Classes
Online  / In person

Sundays 7pm - 8.15pm
Mondays 7pm - 8.15pm 
Tuesdays 9.30
am - 10.30am
"Your first online class is free"

"I come out of your yoga classes feeling completely revitalised and refreshed - It's a great pick-me-up. All the postures are completely explained and I don't ever feel like I am over straining/exerting etc so this improves confidence in the class" Alison W


I teach a hatha based class and my classes are breath centred, includes healthy alignment and flowing sequences. Each week is themed & options are given for all levels. Everyone including beginners are welcome.

Sunday 7pm - In person 

Monday 7pm - online

Tuesday 9.30am in person 


Online pricing - 1 single class £8,

5 class pass £37.50 (£7.50 per class), 10 class pass £70 (£7 per class), Low income/concessions £6. Free / Optional donation option.

In person pricing -1 single class £11, 

5 class pass £50 (£10 per class), 10 class pass £90 (£9 per class)Low income/concessions £7.50 - apart from Tuesday's gentle class at 9.30am - concessions are £6.50


Your first online class is FREE. Just email me at & let me know what class you wish to attend & I will do the rest. 


Book Here​

West Hampstead yoga course

Level One / Improver 6 week yoga course
6.55pm - 8.10pm
 In person 

"Simon's Level one yoga course is very enjoyable and informative. I had been doing yoga for quite a few years before attending his course but came away much more knowledgeable about many things that had been overlooked in previous courses that I had attended elsewhere" Alison B


Ideal if you have been practising for some time and / or you have already attended a beginner's / back to basics course from Yoga360 including an introduction to basic yoga poses, proper alignment, and focus on the breath, or elsewhere and want to take your practise to the next level in a small class learning environment. 
Each week will be themed, and we will explore more challenging postures including hip openers, backbends, balancing postures, and sun salutation variations helping you build strength, improve flexibility as well as allowing you to feel more grounded and yet also lighter and more open. We will also explore more pranayama ( breathing / movement of prana round the body) and meditation practises to build concentration, focus and help quieten your mind. After each class you will also be emailed a handout with pictures and instructions so that you can practise at home if you wish as well as catch up if you missed a class. This class is suitable for any level except complete beginners.

Price £68 In Person 


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"The art and science of inner calm -
a 6 week meditation course

Thurs 17th Oct - 21st November
7.15pm - 8.30pm
In person & online 

"Simon’s meditation course is exceptionally well designed and delivered and it exceeded my expectations. You learn a great amount and you are supported in the learning thanks to the very well organised material". Alessia 


A 6 week course to introduce you in a wide range of meditation techniques as well as pranayama (breathing practices / movement of Prana), mudras (which can support your meditation practise) and the latest research. This is designed for those new to meditation and also for experienced meditators in depending their practise and daily discipline.  â€‹


Week One: Mindful breathing to calm your mind.

Week Two: Creative visualisations

Week Three: Mantras & singing bowls

Week Four: Heart Focused & Expansiveness meditation

Week Five: Yantra - harnessing it's power & Walking meditation

Week Six: iRest Yoga Nidra guided meditation including body sensing & breath sensing.


What will this course with Simon do for me?

People who start to meditate regularly, report benefits including - ​Feeling more energised, Improved focus and concentration, Increased creativity, productivity, performance , Reduced levels of anxiety and stress, Reduced feelings of being overwhelmed, Being less reactive and more responsive, Increased patience, intuition and empathy, A clearer mind, Improved decision making, A greater perspective in life, Becoming more resilient to challenges in relationships and life, Feeling more centred and happy, Improved self awareness, Expanded consciousness, More balance in life

improved self-discipline and encourages other positive habits i.e. exercise, diet changes, reading).


In addition - people practising yoga nidra / guided meditation experience:

​Decreased stress, anxiety, fear and depression, Improved sleep and decreased insomnia, An ability to better manage chronic and acute pain, Healthier interpersonal relations, Heightened energy levels

Improved sense of control, More confidence and joy in their lives, A greater sense of peace and well-being ​​

There are so many different meditation techniques that it can be confusing. We will explore a number of the key practices so that you can find the right one for you. Once you find the right practise, meditation practise becomes easier too sustain and when you practise regularly, you start to reap the many benefits.


Do you have difficulty sitting still to meditate?

I will share posture secrets as well as practices that can help to quieten our mind prior to meditation i.e. pranayama practices (breathing & the movement of prana) and the use of mudras too.

Have you tried to meditate previously and then given up?

...or have you meant to start but haven't managed to yet?

I will share with you the tools, hints and tips that can help you overcome the many obstacles that can stop us from meditating.

We will be sitting on chairs or the floor on cushions / supports, whatever you prefer.

There is also an online resource to support you after the afternoon and there will be time for group reflection, questions, discussions, stretching

Suitable for?

Anyone, of any age, background or religion.

Our setting for the workshop

Our setting is our home studio in West Hampstead. Exact address given on booking, or Online via zoom 

All mats, cushions, chairs, blankets are provided.

Price £75 in person,

£60 online / £45 online concessions

What to bring

Just yourself.


Book Here​

Yoga Instructor

Level 2 Intermediate 
3 Week Yoga Course
Wed June 19th - 3rd July 
18.55pm - 20.10pm
£34 in person 

This course is aimed at more experienced yoga students. During this 3 week course we will explore more sophisticated pranayama practices including breath retentions, mudras (hand gestures), as well as an exploration of the bandhas (energy seals created internally by which a yogi can direct the flow of prana) Uddiyana, Mula, Jalandhar. We will explore too the concepts of the Kleshas, Kanchukas & Koshas - which come from the yoga tradition and can be explained as the different layers shrouding or covering our hearts and consciousness. An understanding of them can help explain what may be holding us back from reaching our full potential. 
We will also explore a wider range of postures including Supta Virasana ( reclining Hero pose) Camatkarasana ( Wild Thing) & inversions including Ardha Pincha Mayurasana / Dolphin, Salamba Sarvangasana / supported Shoulderstand & Salamba Sirsasana / supported Headstand). 
There will be a maximum of 10 students on this course allowing for more individual attention during the classes. Props including blankets, blocks will be provided and for those not doing inversions, alternative postures will be given. This is not suitable for beginners and students will be expected to have a strong understanding of the key principles of alignment of key postures as well as have a consistent and regular yoga practise.
There will also be an online resource to support you after each class to support your practise at home in between as well as to help you catch up if you missed a class.

In person - Venue : West Hampstead Community Centre price £34


Book Here​

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